Awake: An Inner Autobiography

Awake: An Inner Autobiography is the first book in The Mysticism Trilogy. It tells the story of Jā€™s own Process of Inner Mystical Transformation, from his initial bewildering awakenings to the final one which left him shattered, transformed, reborn.

Awake is unlike other autobiographies, as this one is an autobiography of inner experience, a tracing of the fiery golden thread that held them all together.

To buy Awake: An Inner Autobiography click here

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Mysticism ā€“ Philosophy & Process

Mysticism ā€“ Philosophy & Process – the second book The Mysticism Trilogy – serves as an introduction to J’s system of inner mystical transformation and awakening.

The first half gives an overview of the philosophical underpinnings of the system while the second half traces out some of the techniques of inner transformation.

To read Mysticism ā€“ Philosophy & Process click here

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The Sacred Power

The Sacred Power is the third final book in The Mysticism Trilogy. In this book you will learn of the divine energy that lies at the core of the world’s religions. A power that also lies hidden in you.

In The Sacred Power you will not only discover what this miraculous force is, but how to develop it within you, how to transform yourself into your evolutionary destiny.

To read The Sacred Power click here.

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